Leadership Lives Here Blog

Managing Complexity

Written by Glenn Bergsma | Apr 19, 2023 12:21:40 AM

Leadership is a topic that has been studied, debated, and analysed for centuries. What makes a great leader, and how can one become more effective in managing the complexities of their role? Throughout history, numerous leaders have left their mark on society, and by examining their thoughts and actions, we can gain valuable insights. In this blog post, we'll explore five key components of managing the complexities of leadership, drawing on other leaders to guide you through the challenges and complexities of leadership. So, let's dive in and start navigating our way out of the weeds!


1. Break it down | Filter it out

When things get complex, it's essential to take a step back and look at the big picture. Consider all the moving parts and how they fit together. Create a filter to identify priorities and manage your approach to the complexity. Ask yourself: what are the non-negotiables? Remember your "why" and consider the following five Rs.

  1. Return - Identify the most critical areas where your attention will yield the highest return on investment. Prioritising time and resources towards these areas can result in the most significant improvements while minimising waste.

  2. Risk - Identify the areas that carry the most significant risk and prioritise your energy mitigating them.

  3. Reward - Managing complexity isn’t often fun, but it can be rich and rewarding if you can think about the greater purpose at stake. Find the why and let it motivate you. 

  4. Readiness -  How ready are you to respond to the different components of the complexity? Is there a critical pathway or plan to follow? How quickly can you start or move toward the outcome to navigate through what is complex?

  5. Relationship - What individuals, teams or organisations can support you in managing the complexity? What social capital do you have in the bank that you can leverage? Relationships can offer valuable resources, knowledge, and expertise to help navigate complexity.

To truly break down and filter out complexities, leaders must also be able get the right heads in the room and utilise the capability and proficiency of their team. Who is the best person to speak into this and potentially carry this forward? Who else is impacted by this? What is mine to own, and what is not? By collaborating with and empowering team members to take ownership of certain tasks and responsibilities, leaders can free up time and mental energy to focus on higher-level strategy and decision-making.

"Surround yourself with great people; delegate authority; get out of the way."

Ronald Reagan


2. Attack plan

Once you've identified your priorities, make a plan of attack for each part. Start with the non-negotiables and set clear goals and objectives for each. By establishing a clear plan, you can address each task in a structured manner and ensure your team is working cohesively towards a shared goal.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Peter Drucker

Effective leaders also understand the importance of being adaptable and agile. While having a solid plan is crucial, it's equally important to be able to pivot and adjust your strategy as circumstances change.

"In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable."

Dwight D. Eisenhower


3. Embrace the madness

Don't be afraid of complexity. It's an opportunity for innovation and collaboration. Encourage experimentation and learning, and foster collaboration among your team. Remember, the right heads in the room can make a huge difference. As Peter Drucker says, "The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday's logic." Embracing the madness can lead to groundbreaking ideas and strategies that push your organization forward.

"Out of clutter, find simplicity."

Albert Einstein

Furthermore, embracing complexity can foster a culture of creativity and innovation within your organisation. You can unlock untapped potential and drive growth by fostering an environment where team members feel comfortable taking risks and exploring new ideas.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."

Arthur C. Clarke


4. Keep it real

Being ambitious is crucial in leadership, but it's also essential to be realistic about what you can achieve. Don't let the pressure of complex tasks consume you and your team. Instead, maintain a balance between ambition and realism, ensuring that your goals are challenging yet attainable.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

It's also important to maintain open and honest communication with your team. Share your challenges and seek their input. This will create a culture of trust and mutual respect, where team members feel valued and empowered to contribute to the organization's success.

"Great leaders are willing to sacrifice their own personal interests for the good of the team."

John C. Maxwell


5. Find a space

One of the most helpful tips for managing complexity is to find a dedicated space to work on your most important and long-term priorities. This space should be free from distractions, allowing you and your team to focus on what truly matters. Whether it's a library, an external meeting space, or your home, finding the right environment can make all the difference in your productivity and success.

One of the best pieces of advice (according to him) I gave a CEO I coach, who was managing significant complexity, was to find a space away from the office to work on big-picture and strategic priorities. This wasn't a place for business as usual, emails, or admin. It was a creative space dedicated to deep and important thinking (often outside of the box). It has been a critical step for the leader to manage the mental balance of the urgent vs. the strategic.


Don't get overwhelmed by what is in front of you. Face it head-on, apply the above strategies, and hopefully, you will keep on top of it. And if you or your team ever get really stuck, don't hesitate to reach out. We love solving problems and bringing out the best in leaders.

To your success,